This cemetery transcription is not complete.
It is being compiled from death certificates online at and individual submissions.
If you have information on burials in this cemetery, please email me.
Kaitlan Davidson
Cadra, John
b. Feb. 25, 890 - d. March 28, 1966
Ftak, Paul
b. May 25, 1874 - d. March 18, 1940
Mertel, Elizabeth Ann
b. Nov. 6, 1911 - d. Jan. 21, 1961
Mertel, Paul
b. May 22, 1884 - d. June 28, 1959
Risian, Elizabeth Cadra
b. Jan. 17, 1869 - d. Jan. 20, 1952
Risian, Paul
b. Jan. 10, 1973 - d. Oct. 17, 1949
Valencik, John
b. June 16, 1859 - d. Sep. 18, 1938