This cemetery transcription is not complete.
It is being compiled from death certificates online at and individual submissions.
If you have information on burials in this cemetery, please email me.
Kaitlan Davidson
Arnold, James Donley
b. May 12, 1947 - d. May 19, 1947
Bailey, James Albert
b. Feb. 15, 1907 - d. July 4, 1958
Brown, Jasper Randall
b. Aug. 9, 1886 - d. Dec. 5, 1954
Bumpers, Dawson Clark
b. June 7, 1912 - d. Dec. 14, 1958
Calcote, Alva Byam
b. b. April 27, 1920 - d. Jan 17, 1943
Caperton, Robert Bailey
b. July 18, 1908 - d. July 16, 1966
Coleman, Alta Myrtle
b. April 20, 1896 - d. Nov. 12, 1975
Daberry, Jack Danner
b. Dec. 2, 1938 - d. Sept. 9, 1956
Evans, Oliver Clinton
b. Aug. 13, 1888 - d. June 17, 1961
Forgy, Willetta Maye
b. Sep. 11, 1879 - d. Oct. 30, 1954
Grooms, George Mitchel
b. July 23, 1887 - d. Feb. 27, 1956
Hanes, George Washington
b. April 17, 1870 - d. Oct. 13, 1961
Hooten, James perry
b. Oct. 13, 1944 - d. June 20, 1964
Isaacs, Thomas Jefferson
b. Sep. 16, 1875 - d. March 20, 1947
Johnson, Theodore Walker
b. Sep. 3, 1878 - d. April 4, 1956
Kyle, Muriel Ely
b. April 15, 1885 - d. Dec. 18, 1957
Lewis, George Madison
b. June 6, 1892 - d. July 30, 1961
McQuarry, Clarence Edward
b. May 16, 1879 - d. Feb. 2, 1957
O'Neal, Peggy Ruth
b. Feb. 26, 1946 - d. Dec. 20, 1954
Patton, Cora may
b. Dec. 1, 1874 - d. May 12, 1966
Reeves, Solon Alvis
b. Aug. 29, 1902 - d. April 17, 1968
Satterfield, Grace Allen
b. July 8, 1903 - d. June 25, 1950
Smith, Emley Sylvia
b. March 26, 1878 - d. Oct. 26, 1960
Vick, Joe Sary
b. May 27, 1891 - d. Feb. 18, 1961
Williams, Albert Newton
b. Sep. 5, 1899 - d. Oct. 13, 1953
Williams, Lila Beatrice
b. Nov. 4, 1903 - d. Nov. 20, 1972