Cattle just outside Dunn
Mileage marker south of Dunn
View of Methodist Church looking northwest
Closer view of Methodist Church
View of marker, looking southwest
Townsite Marker
Gas Station
Baptist Church
Dunn, on State Highway 208 ten miles south of Snyder in south central Scurry County, was originally a watering hole for freighters carrying supplies from the Texas and Pacific Railway station at Colorado City north to Snyder and Lubbock. The town was founded by a man named Richardson and was named for Alonzo T. Dunn, who filed on land in the area in 1889. The Dunn home became a way station and mail drop for mail and passenger hacks, and Dunn became postmaster when a post office was granted to the community in 1890. That same year a school opened. Over the years the town grew into a trade center. A cotton gin opened there in 1930, and eight years later the old Dunn well was filled and covered to make way for State Highway 208. In 1980 and 1990 Dunn had a post office and reported a population of seventy-five.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, June 27, 1966. Scurry County Historical Survey Committee, Historical Markers in Scurry County (Snyder, Texas, 1969). Noel Wiggins