Knapp is on land drained by Bull Creek eleven miles west of Snyder in southwestern Scurry County. When the first settlers came to the area in the late 1800s, they called their community Bison, but on applying for a post office in 1890 they discovered that there was already a Bison, Texas. They renamed the town Knapp after an unknown person. Knapp had ten inhabitants in 1940 and twenty in 1947. The town benefited from the Scurry County oil boom of 1949-51, and by 1966 its population was 100. The post office, however, was closed in 1950. In 1990 the population was ten.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Scurry County Historical Survey Committee,
Historical Markers in Scurry County (Snyder, Texas, 1969).
Noel Wiggins