Pyron School Gym
Another view of the school
Cemetery entrance
Pyron is located in southeastern Scurry County seventeen miles southeast of Snyder. Bob Pyron, the rancher after whom the town was named, settled on nearby Buffalo Creek in the late 1880s, and by 1900 the town had a school and a post office. The school building was also used for church services. Pyron moved in 1910 in order to be near the Santa Fe Railroad tracks, but since U.S. Highway 84 bypassed the town, gradually the businesses closed and the people moved away. The gin was sold and moved in 1920, the school was consolidated with those of Hermleigh and Roscoe in 1948, and the post office closed in 1952. A reunion of the former residents of Pyron is still held annually at the town cemetery. Although Pyron reached a population of ten in 1910 and twenty-five for three decades thereafter, no population was reported in 1980.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Scurry County Historical
Survey Committee, Historical Markers in
Scurry County (Snyder, Texas, 1969).
Noel Wiggins